Know several ways to remove rust from stainless steel seamless elbows

2023,8, 25

There are several common rust removal methods for stainless steel seamless elbows, which are divided into cleaning, rust removal, and pickling. Let’s get to know each other!
①Cleaning: Clean stainless steel seamless elbows with solvent or emulsion to remove oil, grease, dust, lubricants and similar substances, but cannot remove rust, scale, welding, etc. on the surface of stainless steel, so this method can only be used as an auxiliary means .
② Rust removal: Use wire brushes and other tools to polish the stainless steel surface to remove loose and raised scale, rust and welding slag. The manual rust removal can reach Sa2, and the power rust removal can reach Sa3. If the oxide skin attached to the surface of the stainless steel is relatively firm, the rust removal effect is not ideal and cannot meet the anchor pattern required by the construction.
③Pickling: Chemical and electrolytic methods are used for pickling treatment. Chemical pickling is commonly used, which can remove scale, rust and old coatings on the surface of stainless steel. Sometimes it can be used as retreatment after sandblasting and rust removal. Although chemical cleaning can achieve the cleanliness and roughness of the surface, its anchor pattern is shallow and it is easy to pollute the environment.
Therefore, we consider the above three methods according to our actual needs.

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Know several ways to remove rust from stainless steel seamless elbows

2023,8, 25

There are several common rust removal methods for stainless steel seamless elbows, which are divided into cleaning, rust removal, and pickling. Let’s get to know each other!
①Cleaning: Clean stainless steel seamless elbows with solvent or emulsion to remove oil, grease, dust, lubricants and similar substances, but cannot remove rust, scale, welding, etc. on the surface of stainless steel, so this method can only be used as an auxiliary means .
② Rust removal: Use wire brushes and other tools to polish the stainless steel surface to remove loose and raised scale, rust and welding slag. The manual rust removal can reach Sa2, and the power rust removal can reach Sa3. If the oxide skin attached to the surface of the stainless steel is relatively firm, the rust removal effect is not ideal and cannot meet the anchor pattern required by the construction.
③Pickling: Chemical and electrolytic methods are used for pickling treatment. Chemical pickling is commonly used, which can remove scale, rust and old coatings on the surface of stainless steel. Sometimes it can be used as retreatment after sandblasting and rust removal. Although chemical cleaning can achieve the cleanliness and roughness of the surface, its anchor pattern is shallow and it is easy to pollute the environment.
Therefore, we consider the above three methods according to our actual needs.

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